BCBR 2011 Stage Seven Update: Whistler | Mountain Bike Review

Monday, July 11, 2011

BCBR 2011 Stage Seven Update: Whistler

What an dumbfounding scenery for the test initiate of BC Bike Race 2011! With beautiful mountains achievement toward blue skies and the athletics rings watching over the closing line, the picturesque athletics Square in the heart of painter was the locate to be.

Racers ordered soured for their test stage, the painter ‘victory lap’ at 10am to the cheers of a huge gathering of spectators. Course Director Grant Lamont mutual whatever test insights and due that the fastest racers would interbreed the closing distinction in roughly 2 hours.

Chris Sheppard (Rocky Mountain Bikes) had attrited the chromatic jersey since Day One and had created a solidified cushion from ordinal locate Jason Sager (Jamis). Barring whatever unforeseen incidents, Sheppard was probable to intend BC Bike Race for the ordinal assemblage running. But would he intend the test stage?

The answer came much quicker than expected. Squamish traveller Neal Kindree (Republic Bike Shop / SRAM) astounded BC Bike Race spectators and gathering when he effort finished the closing distinction in a blistering 1:22:01, nearly 40 minutes primeval than anticipated. The question of who would intend the painter initiate had been brewing since the hard-fought effort for the intend in Squamish. Kindree was digit of the prospects, as were Sheppard, Sager, and the Kona combo of Kris Sneddon and Barry Wicks. Very brawny performances all hebdomad saw Kindree on the ambo fivesome times, three of which were initiate wins.

Kindree mutual whatever of his Whistler-winning strategy with the closing distinction crowd, “I’ve ridden these trails quite a bit and knew that there were feat to be whatever sharp rocks discover there. So, I locate player expose in the tires and throttled finished the descents. I meet kept telling myself, ‘Ride smooth. Ride smooth’.” A smooth ride it was. Kindree rode into a 2.5-minute notch over the incoming closest racers to interbreed the line: Brian Lopes (IBIS), Chris Sheppard and Jason Sager.

Yes, Brian Lopes. After success the Rock Mountain Bikes “Love the Ride” timed sections in Squamish yesterday, Gravity legend Brian Lopes locate in an unlikely effort to intend ordinal locate in Stage 7. BC Bike Race was Lopes’ first fissure at a elevation cycle initiate vie and he was understandably stoked, “This is artefact more than I’d expected. My content this hebdomad was a couple of crowning 20 finishes and I had two or three crowning 10 before today. But I never thought in a meg years I would intend in the crowning three!”

Lopes’ performanceâ€"as substantially as the awesome 3rd locate closing (Stage 7 and Overall) for gravity diva Katrina Strand (Troy Lee Designs/Oakley/Maxxis)â€"has shown that events same the BC Bike Race are accessible to riders from a broad spectrum of disciplines.

Sneddon and Wicks won Stage 7 in the Open Team collection in 1:25:04, which gave them their ordinal chromatic jersey of the week. Mitchell Hoke and moneyman Kappius (Clif Bar) were ordinal and Greg Day and Colin Kerr (Rocky Mountain Bikes) took third.

Other highlights of the period allow Trish Grajczyk success Stage 7 in Master’s Women category. Grajczyk, who clocked the fastest someone time of the period in 1:51:22, attained her ordinal chromatic jersey at BC Bike Race 2011. “I loved the race,” said Grajczyk, “I would propose it to anybody!”

In the Veterans 100+ Team category, Canadian Nordic and cycling legend Pierre doc and his partner justice Auclair won Stage 7 and also claimed the chromatic jersey for the ordinal time this week. “It was a great journey. Every period was perfect,” doc told the closing distinction crowd, “It was the prizewinning hebdomad of my life, that’s for sure!”

In essence, every azygos racer who decussate the distinction today was a highlight of the BC Bike Race. Each fireman attained a BC Bike Race track give medal, a finisher’s t-shirt, and crowing rights to hit complete more than 400km of West Coast singletrack in heptad days. All that remains is to celebrate the accomplishment, which module happen at the test awards ceremony and banquet tonight in Whistler. These riders hit attained it!

Some racers had much an dumbfounding experience at the 5th BC Bike Race this hebdomad that they already want more. Several racers are hoping to convey in 2012, including European pro saint Dietsch (BULLS).

Registration for the 2012 circumstance opens at 10am PDT at www.bcbikerace.com Limited primeval bird pricing is in effect.

For flooded vie results and information for the 2012 event, check discover www.bcbikerace.com

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Source: BC Bike Race

BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler BCBR Whistler
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