CLIF Builder’s Protein Survey Results | Mountain Bike Review

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

CLIF Builder’s Protein Survey Results

Only 35 Percent of Americans Know How Much Protein They Need According to New Nationwide Survey CLIF Builder’s Finds Protein Knowledge Lagging Behind Other Health and Fitness Topics

Emeryville, Calif., March 14, 2012 â€" CLIF Builder’s, the great relishing high-protein bar, revealed the results of a newborn analyse today display that most Americans are unsure of how much accelerator they need on a daily basis, even though they know another primary upbeat and fitness facts same how much water to ingest and how ofttimes they should exercise.

Just 35 proportionality of Americans see their accelerator needs, according to a broad phone analyse of 1,000 grouping ages 18 and over conducted recently by CLIF Builder’s and Kelton Research. Key nutrition noesis most accelerator lags far behind Americans’ cognisance of another base upbeat and fitness concepts. For example, the analyse discovered that more than twice as many Americans see how ofttimes they should impact discover (76 percent) or their ideal weight range (69 percent). To help grouping see most their individualist accelerator needs, CLIF Builder’s has created a guide to accelerator and nutrition, including an mutual accelerator calculator, acquirable at

The analyse also bare widespread misconceptions most the benefits of a post-workout eat containing a intermixture of accelerator and carbohydrates. After a workout, intake accelerator and carbohydrates together is the eventual one-two lick for amount embody recovery, explained Ron Mathews, a directive personal simulator and CLIF Builder’s ambassador. Post-workout accelerator repairs muscles, patch carbohydrates fill a body’s storehouse of energy. However, 43 proportionality of Americans believe that intake carbohydrates after a workout will equilibrate the impact they hit just done, and 89 proportionality accomplish for a protein-rich eat first, without considering also replenishing carbohydrates.

“As a professed trainer, I civilize my clients to look for a accelerator forbid same CLIF Builder’s that not exclusive includes accelerator to physique muscle, but also high-quality carbohydrates,” Mathews said. “Carbs alter to energy, and whether you’re lifting weights or running hills, carb-based forcefulness is what makes it happen.”

Nearly half of those surveyed said nutritious ingredients are an essential factor in their selection of accelerator snacks. Those respondents said they don’t poverty their accelerator snacks to include trans fats, broad fructose corn syrup, staged sweeteners and dulcify alcohols.

“Sometimes what’s not in your matter is just as essential as what is,” says town DelloIacono Thies, R.D. and nutrition contriver for Clif Bar & Company. “You won’t find in CLIF Builder’s ingredients same staged sweeteners, staged flavors and dulcify alcohols that provide set energy, as they don’t contribute to hooligan action and amount embody fitness.”

CLIF Builder’s (SRP: $1.99) is crafted for action by athletes and foodies in the CLIF kitchen. Each forbid contains 20 grams of great-tasting protein, carbohydrates for uninterrupted forcefulness and an best blend of specifically-selected ingredients that impact as hornlike as you do so you crapper get the most discover of your workout. Three delicious newborn flavors hit just been introducedâ€"Chocolate Chip and S’mores for those who lust chocolate, and Crunchy Peanut Butter for those who poverty to revel in the rich, creamy taste of peanut butter.

In constituent to the threesome newborn flavors, CLIF Builder’s is also acquirable in Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Mint, Cookies ‘n Cream and Vanilla Almond.

About Clif Bar & Company Clif Bar & Company is a directive concern of nutritious and nonsynthetic foods and drinks, including CLIF® Bar forcefulness bar, LUNA®, The Whole Nutrition Bar for Women®; and CLIF Kid®, Nourishing Kids in Motion®.  Focused on sports nutrition and flourishing snacks, the employee and family-owned consort is committed to sustaining its people, brands, business, accord and planet. For more information on Clif Bar & Company, please visit, analyse discover our Facebook page and study us on Twitter at:

Source: Roger Ross

By Find Store Sales

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