Mtbr Members Help College Student with Bike Shop Concept | Mountain Bike Review

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mtbr Members Help College Student with Bike Shop Concept

Ahh winter… It is kind of Stygian and cold. One crapper ride discover there every day but many meet sip whatever coffee and meet hearty patch hanging discover at the Mtbr Forums.

In the suffering Forum, a college student, saxen came discover with this appeal for help: —-

By: saxen NEED PHOTO SHOP FOR BIKE SHOP….passion hey everyone!

i wish this is an ok place to post this up- I’m in my terminal 10 days of college and employed on my test 50 tender business organisation for my retailing class- everything has been feat substantially another than this conception and the visual stuff- ie i crapper indite and do reports, meet not rattling artistic-

I’m hunting to wager if anyone crapper picture class this building to countenance same a cycle shop- it module requirement to have the study SUPER D’s on it- maybe whatever bikes or something- i requirement this before weekday if possible- I module paypal $5 to the mortal who’s design I module end up using on the project- with that I would be bright to telecommunicate them the inform when finished as substantially if they so choose. —–

The picture he at attached is aboves. We are not trusty ground he wanted this portion building and ground it necessary the study Super D’s but that was conception of the appeal.

The subumissions started discover slowly.



We are not trusty if it was the $5 paypal generousness or the sheer boredom that winter brings but this letter sure generated a tidal gesture of responses from the community.

Click on the photos beneath (browse by touch the incoming button).  Leave comments and let us undergo which digit you think Saxen should ingest for his college paper.

by eatdrinkride by NateHawk by supergroove by Chum by NateHawk mmmtnbkr1 by She&I by NateHawk by Moosey by Pimpride by king C David C out of business by gain wurker by king C animals requirement bikes too highdelll Thriller edit tom sellec module be there Ska wants the five dollah by Hutch3637 by nuffink Chum Super D's - Friends in High Places Come on discover to the grand inaugural of SUPER D'S on 12-2-2011. And from 12:00 till 2:00 pm don't woman MTBR's rattling own honor featured traveller 'Huckin' Kitty', who module be gift trials demonstations and autographs. Chum Machu Pichu branch by K-Max by ShamusWave Original cycle class building
By Find Store Sales

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